GURPS 4E Character Builder

Start Here

Choose an option:

2. Select a pregen character to use or modify:

3. Apply a lens to the character:

4. Build a new {{ buildType }} from scratch

Basic Details

Tech Level

Equipment Package


{{ }}

Point Cost: {{ totalCost }}

{{ model.description }}

Attributes: ST {{ }} [{{ stCost }}], DX {{ model.dx }} [{{ dxCost }}], IQ {{ }} [{{ iqCost }}], HT {{ }} [{{ htCost }}]

Secondary Characteristics: Damage {{ damage.thrust + '/' + damage.swing }}, BL {{ bl }}, HP {{ hp }} [{{ hpCost }}], Will {{ will }} [{{ willCost }}], Per {{ per }} [{{ perCost }}], FP {{ fp }} [{{ fpCost }}], Basic Speed {{ basicSpeed }} [{{ basicSpeedCost }}], Basic Move {{ basicMove }} [{{ basicMoveCost }}]

Advantages: {{ getFormattedSimpleTraits('advantages') }}

Perks: {{ getFormattedTinyTraits('perks') }}

Disdvantages: {{ getFormattedSimpleTraits('disadvantages') }}

Quirks: {{ getFormattedTinyTraits('quirks') }}

{{ }} Skills: {{ getFormattedSkillsByCatId( }}

Techniques: {{ getFormattedTechniques() }}

{{ getObjectPropertyById(spellSchools, schoolId, 'name') }} Spells: {{ getFormattedSpellsBySchoolId(schoolId) }}

Copy the JSON output above and paste into a text file. When you're ready to continue working on your character, copy and paste it into the box at the top of the page.